Chicago's New Music Artist Community

Chicago's New Music Artist Community


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    Dallas Ugly & Joybird

    The music of Dallas Ugly is anything but what the name implies. Libby Weitnauer, Eli Broxham, and Owen Burton’s fusion of pop country and indie-folk rock is heartfelt and intimate. Dallas Ugly’s work incorporates Burton’s unique rolling electric guitar style, Weitnauer’s expert fiddle playing, an...
    The music of Dallas Ugly is anything but what the name implies. Libby Weitnauer, Eli Broxham, and Owen Burton’s fusion of pop country and indie-folk rock is heartfelt and intimate. Dallas Ugly’s work incorporates Burton’s unique rolling electric guitar style, Weitnauer’s expert fiddle playing, and the songwriting of all three members. Plain-faced and striking vocals reflect their collective influences of old time, country, and bluegrass music, while their arrangements and songwriting point away to other genres. Dallas Ugly recorded their full length debut album in April of 2021 and is making plans for a release.
    11th Mar, 2022
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