Chicago's New Music Artist Community

Chicago's New Music Artist Community


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Rowe made his first national television debut on the popular late-night talk show Jimmy Kimmel Live! in 2014. His music ...
Rowe made his first national television debut on the popular late-night talk show Jimmy Kimmel Live! in 2014. His music has appeared in several hit television shows including Parenthood, Queen Sugar, and The Blacklist. He reached critical acclaim when his song “To Leave Something Behind” was prominently featured in the Ben Affleck-starring film, The Accountant. The popularity of the track — which has amassed more than 6 million streams on Spotify alone — has opened several doors for Rowe, including a burgeoning grassroots fanbase.
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    Sean Rowe & Matthew Fowler

    Rowe made his first national television debut on the popular late-night talk show Jimmy Kimmel Live! in 2014. His music has appeared in several hit television shows including Parenthood, Queen Sugar, and The Blacklist. He reached critical acclaim when his song “To Leave Something Behind” was prom...
    Rowe made his first national television debut on the popular late-night talk show Jimmy Kimmel Live! in 2014. His music has appeared in several hit television shows including Parenthood, Queen Sugar, and The Blacklist. He reached critical acclaim when his song “To Leave Something Behind” was prominently featured in the Ben Affleck-starring film, The Accountant. The popularity of the track — which has amassed more than 6 million streams on Spotify alone — has opened several doors for Rowe, including a burgeoning grassroots fanbase.
    1st Apr, 2022
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