Chicago's New Music Artist Community

Chicago's New Music Artist Community


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Charlotte Dos Santos is a fiercely independent producer, singer, composer and arranger who makes music free of any confi...
Charlotte Dos Santos is a fiercely independent producer, singer, composer and arranger who makes music free of any confines. Seamlessly confronting existential questions while exploring themes of identity, womanhood and human connection, her warm, emotive and jazz-inflected songwriting traverses through genres with ease - imbued with ethereal vocals at one moment and a driving drum pulse the next.

She grew up naturally dissolving boundaries, raised in a small town outside Oslo by her Norwegian mother and Brazilian father, her parents’ tastes exposed her to everything from jazz, hip-hop and Latin rhythms to flamenco, North African instrumentation and intricate Arabic melodies. Since debuting with hugely critically acclaimed 2017 EP Cleo, she’s garnered more than 20 million streams, earned recognition from the likes of The Fader, Pitchfork, Bandcamp and Pigeons & Planes, recorded a coveted COLORS session, been a Newcomer of the Year Norwegian Grammy Award nominee and picked up co-signs from Raphael Saadiq, Outkast’s Big Boi and others.
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    Charlotte Dos Santos is a fiercely independent producer, singer, composer and arranger who makes music free of any confines. Seamlessly confronting existential questions while exploring themes of identity, womanhood and human connection, her warm, emotive and jazz-inflected songwriting traverses ...
    Charlotte Dos Santos is a fiercely independent producer, singer, composer and arranger who makes music free of any confines. Seamlessly confronting existential questions while exploring themes of identity, womanhood and human connection, her warm, emotive and jazz-inflected songwriting traverses through genres with ease - imbued with ethereal vocals at one moment and a driving drum pulse the next.

    She grew up naturally dissolving boundaries, raised in a small town outside Oslo by her Norwegian mother and Brazilian father, her parents’ tastes exposed her to everything from jazz, hip-hop and Latin rhythms to flamenco, North African instrumentation and intricate Arabic melodies. Since debuting with hugely critically acclaimed 2017 EP Cleo, she’s garnered more than 20 million streams, earned recognition from the likes of The Fader, Pitchfork, Bandcamp and Pigeons & Planes, recorded a coveted COLORS session, been a Newcomer of the Year Norwegian Grammy Award nominee and picked up co-signs from Raphael Saadiq, Outkast’s Big Boi and others.
    2nd Mar, 2022
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